Black Hina Warnings


The American Academy of Dermatology Summer Academy in 2008 during the meeting Chicago, dermatologist Sharon E. Jacob, MD, faad, assistant clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine (Dermatology), University of California, San Diego, discussed the dangers of black henna tattoos How physicians treat a growing number of patients, including Very young children, suffer from skin problems of the sensitivity of the PPD. Natural henna used in tattoos are made of the leaves of
Lawsonia inermis plant, which is a vegetable coloring that determines Available in brown, green or red. Temporary coloring (dyeing) of the Natural skin with henna is harmless and only takes a few Days. The intensity of tattoos, which can later Attained with natural henna color and prolong the life of the A temporary tattoo from days to weeks, some henna tattoo artists The PPD (as is usually used for black hair) in a mixture of henna dye.It appears black tattoo.


The Food and Drug Administration prohibits the direct application of PPD to the skin because of known health risks. Since Does not regulate the tattoo industry, people still black Henna tattoos and exposing themselves to serious health problems. "Perhaps the most worrying that we are witnessing with black henna tattoos Is an increase in the number of children who are not even children above the age of 4 - obtained and experienced skin reactions, "said Dr. Jacob. "Children represent a large proportion of the population Receives temporary tattoos, because parents erroneously believe that they Safe because they are not permanent and are available in many of the popular Food places for families. In fact nothing was further from Truth. "Dr Jacob said that hundreds of reports on the status Allergic contact dermatitis from black henna tattoos, with reactions Ranging from mild eczema to blistering and even permanent scarring. At the first sign of a reaction is typically redness and itching, followed by Of the bumps, swelling and blisters. Topical steroids can be used to stop Reaction, but Dr. Jacob explained that a presence or non-scarring Occurs depends on the depth and severity of inflammation. In addition, the sensitivity for some people is just a PPD Exposure. When this happens, a person may develop lifelong Sensitivity to PPD, and allergic reactions can be stabbing the other Vehicles, including certain types of drugs. For example, the use of certain Heart Disease and high blood pressure, diabetes, medications, and even Anesthesia used in topical preparations or gel hemorrhoid through the mouth, can Cause allergic reactions in the education of the people in the former People's Democratic Party.

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