How To Wear A Saree


Sari word comes from the Prakrit word 'Sattika ", which was later shortened to' sati 'and much later" Sari. " Hindus also consider a cloth sewn to be pure, were women not to wear sweaters that have been taken before the era of British rule. With the British invasion, and more Muslim women wear a favorite of Sari, the existence of a blouse and also known as Choli arise. Then start the main aspects of the Sari is still the same, Surrey and 6 patio, a
skirt and blouse to match.


Nivi style of wearing a Sari:
Before wearing a Sari, we must ensure that they match well qualified and non-burning Blouse Petticoat. Make sure that the length of the skirt was waiting at ankles. Take one end of the power, and carefully fold in the skirt around the waist from right to left. Make sure the bottom of the sari touches the floor a bit. Resume of the place where the relevant intrigues had just ended, and now start making pleats in Surrey from there. About five to six folds in Surrey, each of them with a width of five inches should be enough. Keep them all together so they fall straight and even. Then fold in the folds of the skirt a little to the left heel. Make sure that the folds turned towards the left. Part of the force left the braids called Palo. Collection of Palau, and put it on the left shoulder. Upper limits of the sari is diagonally across the bust from under the right arm over the left shoulder. It should touch your finger on the Palo tips because they are just behind you. You can prevent them slipping through the provision, but on the shoulder to the blouse with a small safety pin. Gujurathi pattern of wearing a Sari: Gujrati style of wearing a sari is very similar to the pattern of nivi with the only difference is that in this styleis in Palu. In Palo "or decorative end of the sari is draped over the right shoulder instead of the left shoulder. In this type of Palo groom from the back forward and unique the normal pattern, which is draped Palo front to rear.
Maharastrian style of wearing a Sari:
Maharashtra style tweaking Sari is common among the Brahmin women especially in the state of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. This is Sari Sari draped in a center is placed in the back of the waist and end of the sari firmly tied to the front. Ends and wrapped his legs. Currently, the decorative flags on the shoulders, while the left is folded and secured
at the waist.
Mundu Neriyathum:
Mundu Neriyathum is the style of the signature of the state of Kerala. This pattern of changes Mundu or less one piece skirt and blouse with Sari Neriyathum or curtain. Mundu wear, such as wearing Dhothi and firmly packed in the thigh. Neriyathum is now draped over the blouse and tucked in the middle of Mundu. Although different styles of wearing a Sari, these four patterns are the most prominent and basic techniques of Surrey. A series of methods in accordance with the region and the
customs. As Madisar pattern limited to the ladies, while Kodogu Brahmin style is limited to the tribal people of Nilgris. These types of disputes arising needs of the region in which they live.

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