Mehndi Body Art


There are only a few things you need to make henna, and more
Important, it is clear that the henna! The henna is fresh, green and Aromatic. And henna which is outdated and has no smell will not work for Dying of the skin. Henna and should be pretty good, so it does not Clog the tip of your penis. If not as nice as you We want to be and can be remedied by the seven. The second important thing necessary to the henna is somewhat miserable. Lemon or lemon juice will do for this purpose. Basic recipe Only the addition of the henna and lemon juice, but some prefer to use another Components. The most common and most effective of these is pink. Pink contains natural chemicals that help the henna deeper And stigmatization. The easiest way to add the cloves you have a recipe for cooking a handful Pink all in the lemon juice. Eventually you lemon Steeped with cloves, and you can and add it to the henna. Of the other components, which often use a variety of essential oils. The most common is eucalyptus, but cloves and camphor (white), Lavender, lemon and other oils are also used. Most of this oil is not Not because the scent of henna, but excluding oil, clove oil, camphor, This is really an improvement in color. Clove oil works the same way as in Lemon / pink infusion above, and serves as an oil Camphor Oxidation. It should be noted that both oils caution should be used because it can be Dangerous if incorrectly used. Clove oil can etch metal, will kill The exposed nerve, and camphor, but can be toxic in large doses. Not  pure
Essential oils should be allowed to come into contact with the skin Unless it is diluted, usually with a ratio of 1:10 in the carrier oil.


Making henna paste

1) measure in the pot with a full tablespoon of powdered henna. Must enter the henna powder already produces, if necessary. See below For instructions and suggestions on the screening.

2) in one dish, add about 1 / 2 teaspoon sugar.

3) Now add the liquid. It must be stressed, as a new Lemon juice or anything that may cause constipation. Start by approximately A tablespoon, and stir slowly to get good Consistency. In this step, because the consensus Right to use it as well. Should such Increased yogurt, and not so thin that it drips down, but not too thick not.

4) gives a good stir, to ensure that the liquid and henna well Mixed. Stir vigorously for a few minutes, to ensure that Everything is correctly placed. This should remove most Blocks and slabs must be smooth and green.

5) for the transfer of paste for plastic Ziploc bag, and take him to a standard Spoon, open the top of the bag, the inside of the spoon, and Isaac Henna from the bottom of the spoon with your fingers on the outside Of the bag. If more henna in a bowl, repeat until Everything in the bag. Isaac, henna and to the bottom of the angle Once the air pressure in the corner of the bag, and slide A small piece from the corner, so the air and from henna. By We have done, you can begin entering your application blank in this The case of Jacquard bottle. Just a place to cut into the corner pocket And open the mouth of the bottle and pressure. There is a small line of henna and have Fell to the bottom of the bottle, and begin to fill. Click on it to Desktop every so often to ensure that the henna on the fixed Below. Take pictures and then on top of the bottle, screw on stainless steel The tip of the steel, and you're ready to go! Tips for henna designs The important thing to remember is that if you where hennaing A serious mistake, it is usually found. This can be done with the Toothpicks, cotton swabs, or simply by the inclusion in the Design. If you decorate the entire hand, start where you are more Comfortable, depending on the design. The starting point isThe line where the fingers curve overlooking the palm, wrist, or Palm Centro. It is usually easier to start the Palm, and then do the fingers. If you are right handed, to begin Finger, who also is on the left, and vice versa if left And peace. This allows you to rest your hand on the The other fingers, without worrying about stains freshly applied Paste.Copy henna designs, but for many beginners, the easiest way to draw Design manual is a copy of either the Lineart, the pattern of the other Book, or henna design by someone else. This makes it Easier to fill the space, and with a stylish design, because Everything is already set. On the other hand, may prove copying Difficult, if the design was too complex for beginners power. Improvisation henna designs, and a challenge in the beginning and improvisation Henna
Designs, but once you establish a "design vocabulary" of the various Design techniques and traditions, and it is natural. The model Vocabulary: a basic knowledge of shapes, edges and the species Patterns in henna. For example, once you familiarize yourself with Moroccan style, the triangles and diamonds and Zig - Zags and other applications Geometric shapes, it would be easy for you to catch in this draft Pattern.To transition from backup easier to improvise, it works well First get on solid ground in the technology through actual copy, and then, You can also move, try to copy the design, but changing a small part of the It. Once you're used to sew your design and modify Taste, and will be easy to compensate for the draft in the same way. Important: Do not use black henna. A chemical called PPD, present in black henna, can cause chemical burns on your skin.

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